How Food Addiction is Different Than Emotional Eating

Many times people call me about my sugar/food addiction program and tell me they have a problem with emotional eating.

They then go on to explain that when they are stressed or sad they eat sugary, starchy and hyperprocessed foods - in other words crappy carbs. I get it. Food soothes. I think many people do that. Many people also see food addiction as an emotional problem. There is a popular slogan "It's not what you're eating, it's what's eating you."
While for some people who eat in a self destructive way that may be true that the main problem is emotional, I think that the term "emotional eating" is actually overused. Not because it's just a matter of will power - it is absolutely not! But it's not always because someone has deep emotional problems either. For some people the main problem is actually a biochemical dependence that develops so that emotions or no, the ability to choose to eat healthy is actually just not there.
When someone is heavily addicted to nicotine and lights up a cigarettes when they're stressed we don't call them "emotional smokers". We tell it like it is - they are addicted and so they look to their addiction to relieve stress as part of the condition called addiction.It's the same with food. Some people are addicted to these sweet, starchy, hyperprocessed foods. They crave them and yes, when they are stressed the craving comes up. The thing is that when they stop eating the foods that are addiction them the cravings become manageable, even disappear. So yes, some people need to work out their emotional issues first in order to attain healthy eating habits, but for many people who eat in a harmful manner it's the other way around - it's theses addictive foods that are actually the main cause of the problem, not the emotions.
Many people who feel they are addicted to these foods and stop eating them find that they are much more balanced emotionally once they get off sugar, flour and junk-foods. They are calmer, they get less agitated and find they have more focus and a feeling of well being. Of course, just like anyone who goes off an addictive substance, they need to find non-food ways to relieve stress, and other difficult emotions so that they don't relapse.
So, the next time you meet an intelligent person who clearly is making bad decisions about what they eat, do not assume they must be screwed up because obviously they have a problem of emotional eating. Their problem may not be emotional but biochemical dependence on addictive foods.
What are your thought on this?