The Huge Mistaek People Make When
Going Off Sugar 

There’s a huge amount of misinformation that can actually prevent well intentioned people from getting the amazing benefits of going Sugar-Free. People who avoid these mistakes have a much easier time getting free from cravings ,from the feeling that they don’t have control over their food and eating. These mistakes can keep up those sugar spikes and all the metabolic harms and diseases that come with them. Ten they make this huge effort to stop eating sugar and still feel tired, foggy brain and low energy and they don’t understand why.

This tool can be a game changer for
Type 2 Diabetes and more

In today’s video I explain how many of my clients who are pre-diabetic or type 2 diabetic have been having real breakthroughs with their food plan with this simple-to-use tool - a continuous glucose monitor. Watch this video to find out how.

Pesach: Why Being Extra Careful with Ultra Processed Foods is Crucial

In this video I present the latest science about Ultra Processed Foods and explain why this is crucial information now, before the holiday of Pesach (Passover). I also give some great tips how to make your yontiff holiday a healthier one.

Join the AFTER PURIM THROW IT AWAY challenge!

The Jewish holiday of Purim has some traditions that are similar to Halloween. People dress up AND there’s lots of candy and junk food that’s given and received. Like Haloween, many times people are left with too much candies, cakes and junk that they don’t need and want to get rid of.

Take The Purim Challenge

The Purim challenge is to put less junk and more Real Food in your Mishloach Manot (shaloch manos). In my video I explain and give some great ideas how to do that. Are you up to it? Let us know in the comments below how it went!

Wedding Delimma! What To Do When Tradition Comes With a Twist?

Did you know even a joyful occasion like a son's wedding can bring unexpected dilemmas? I faced a tough decision that had me scratching my head. Watch the video to discover the surprising challenge I had and how I found my solution! You won't want to miss this!

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