FAQ: Do I need to give up sugar FOREVER?! 

This is another question that I get all the time from people who inquire about the Sugar-Free Recovery Program.
I always give the same answer - the only one who can decide that for you is YOU - BUT…there are a number of critical things a person should understand BEFORE they make that decision - especially if they do think that sugar and ultra-processed foods attract them like cigarettes do to a heavy smoker.  

Watch this video to find out what those things are.   If you think you need to quit sugar and ultra-processed foods but can’t imagine how it’s possible - know that it is with the right professional help and it can feel so great! 

How do I know it’ll work? 

Very often, people ask me this legitimate question before signing up to my SugarFree Recovery Program.

If you’re one of these people who has been to many programs in your effort to be in control of your food and eating, or if you’re experiencing relapse back into the sugary ultra-processed foods, you MUST watch this video to hear the true answer to this question: How do I know it’ll work this time? 

The ONE THING You should be FANATIC about when it comes to sugar.

You may be surprised to read this, but I don’t believe everyone needs to abstain from sugary and ultra-processed foods. Many people can moderate and are fine with that, and probably many of them would be even finer if they redefined what moderation means.
Yes, If someone struggles with eating in moderation and feels like they are out of control that’s another story and a subject for another video. But at the end of the day, just like many people can enjoy a drink without harm, many people can enjoy that dessert, or bag of cornchips without too much damage to their health or waistline.  

BUT - there is one thing that EVERYONE should be fanatically against when it comes to sugar - and that’s sweetened beverages. If you want to understand why, and hear a story about how we can do things differently as a society, this video is a must. 

How to FEEL FREE About Food - The “Food-Freedom” Paradox

Many people get bummed out by the fact that in order to eat healthy we need to be willing to give up a lot of the spontaneity that today’s food environment seems to allow.   On the one hand, this is true.

Anyone who wants to eat healthy in today’s “obesogenic” (obesity-causing) world has to plan ahead and many times take healthy food choices with them. We can’t just assume it’s going to be Ok, and there will be healthy food available.   The fact is that most people who “go with the flow” regarding food and refreshments will eventually be sick or obese or both from eating only those easy and  “available” choices.  

But does planning ahead and taking healthy food with you mean you are giving up your freedom around food? NO! EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE. This is the great “Food-Freedom” Paradox  Watch this video to see why planning and prepping actually gives you the ”food freedom” you’ve been looking for.

The Second HUGE Mistake People make when going off sugar - This is crucial!

In my last video I talked about one of the most common mistakes people make when going off sugar - but the one I talk about today may be even more serious and less known. If you want to REALLY quit sugar watch this video so you can avoid falling into this common trap.

Wedding Delimma! What To Do When Tradition Comes With a Twist?

Did you know even a joyful occasion like a son's wedding can bring unexpected dilemmas? I faced a tough decision that had me scratching my head. Watch the video to discover the surprising challenge I had and how I found my solution! You won't want to miss this!

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