What Zippi’s Clients Are Saying

"Thank you for an amazing program! The subjects you taught are so important and opened my mind to a new way of thinking about food and how I eat. Zippi, you were great! I learned new things at each meeting and you made it easy with your understanding, patience and humor. “
- Ora

"I participated in Zippi’s program  and highly recommend it, also to those who are not overweight. I discovered many new things about myself and my behavior. I learned to identify when I'm hungry and when not. For the first time, food stopped being the primary focus of everything in my life. I feel so much better physically, emotionally and mentally.“
  - Tali  

"In Zippi’s program  I learned to enjoy my meals and live in between. I learned how to stop, observe and think about what goes into my mouth and what comes out. I learned to live free and happy without the need for excess food. Thank you Zippi and to the sweet (sugarless!) women in this program.“  
- Karen

"Zippi’s program gave me a lot of strength to go forward. I have been in many diet programs and yet I learned things in this program that I have never heard before. I learned important tools regarding how I see and treat myself and life in general. Zippi’s knowledge, experience and deep understanding made this program fascinating, engaging, clear and funny!“  
- Patricia