I Got Sick and Lose Weight

I unfortunately had a rough 2 weeks. It started with a stomach virus, which morphed into a cold, I lost my voice and then ended up catching COVID.

I unfortunately had a rough 2 weeks. It started with a stomach virus, which morphed into a cold, I lost my voice and then ended up catching COVID. It was not fun - I was pretty sick for 4 days and it took a week to get back to functioning well.

Thankfully I'm on the mend, now.

I felt like I had lost some weight and decided to go on the scale - something I do not do that often, maybe once a month. You see, I really do believe that weight, like your age, is a number that gives a certain idea of where things stand but is a very general measurement and should be taken in context with many other factors. Just like my age 57 may be nothing like my friend's 57, but it's obviously also not close to 30, that's how weight should be viewed. It's just a number, and a not very reliable one at that.

I work a lot with my clients to get free from being weight-centered regarding their Sugar Free journey. It's part of getting free of the diet mentality. I mean, if you want to lose weight, why do you? What will you gain that you do not have now if you lose weight? Your health? More energy? Feeling more comfortable? Being able to physically do certain things that maybe now you cannot or are harder? Looking better? Then THOSE are your goals - not the number on the scale! If those things happen at X kilos or X+2 kilos, or even X+5 kilos, does that really matter? If your answer is "No, not really", then stop obsessing about your weight. Go for your REAL goals of healthy eating.

So, yes, I have reached my goals and have stayed at them for a long time, but as I age, my weight (and waistline) have crept up slightly. I won't lie to you, I'd be happy for it to go back to what is was 2-3 years ago, even if I am fine with how it is now, I'd be even finer.

So then I get sick for 2 weeks. I lost weight. I weighed in at a number I haven't seen in a long time. I will share with you what went through my mind:

1. I know that now that I'm feeling better and my appetite is back, chances are some (or all) of it will come back because that's how our bodies work, they strive to go back to their baseline.

2. I will not be asking people if I look like I lost weight, I happily realized I don't really care that much.

3. I will not be weighing myself again before a month is out because it doesn't really matter, I eat healthy and do my best to eat moderately and that's enough.

4. If people comment on my weight (many here in Israel feel free to do so) I will not go into any lenghty discussions about it so that I do not fall into a weight-centered conversations with people.

I realized that I really don't obsess about my weight and losing some has not changed that. I'm very grateful that the inner work I've done over the years regarding weight has brought some serious results.

Now THAT is food freedom.